

For the extension Akeeba Backup Core package version 8.4.0 is available, but it requires at least PHP version 7.2 while your system only has 5.6.40
For the extension Akeeba Backup Core package version is available, but it requires at least PHP version 7.1 while your system only has 5.6.40

The MSc Program includes: 

A. During the 1st year: 

a) A minimum of 200 hours of lectures; details are given in the courses description 

b) Three advanced lab exercises with a duration of 3 months each in labs of members of the Program & in skill regions which pertain to Protein Biotechnology 

c) Seminars from invited speakers on the topic of Protein Biotechnology 

Β. During the 2nd year: 

A lab research project with a duration of at least 12 months relating to the subject of the MSc program; the results of the project will summarized in a thesis. 

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